Holy Tree on QuShui, Tibet - Photo by Yongjiu Dai

The global dataset of soil hydraulic and thermal parameters for earth system modeling

Introduction | Data citation | Data download


The Global dataset of soil hydraulic and thermal parameters using different (Pedotransfer Functions) PTFs is provided for Land Surface Modeling.

The dataset was derived from multi-PTFs (pedotranfer functions) estimation. It includes the parameters in the Clapp and Hornberger Functions (FCH), and in thermal dynamic equation, respectively. The median of the estimation are provided. The resolution is 30 arc-seconds. The vertical variation of soil property was captured by eight layers to the depth of 2.3 m (i.e. 0- 0.045, 0.045- 0.091, 0.091- 0.166, 0.166- 0.289, 0.289- 0.493, 0.493- 0.829, 0.829- 1.383 and 1.383- 2.296 m).

The documentation of the dataset can be downloaded here, including the readme file and data citation paper.

Data citation

Dai, Y., W. Shangguan, Q. Duan, B. Liu, S. Fu, G. Niu, 2013: Development of a China Dataset of Soil Hydraulic Parameters Using Pedotransfer Functions for Land Surface Modeling. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14: 869-887

Dai et al., 2014: Implementation of a New Global Soil Dataset in the Common Land Model (in preparation).

Data download

The dataset in NetCDF format can be downloaded in the following table.

No. Attribute Symbol Unit Scale factor Data
1. Saturated water content of FCH cm3cm-3 0.001 theta_s
2. Saturated capillary potential of FCH cm - psi_s
3. Pore size distribution index of FCH - 0.001 lambda
4. Saturate hydraulic conductivity of FCH cm/day - k_s
5. Heat capacity of soil solids J/(m3 K) 100 csol
6. Thermal conductivity of saturated soil W/(m K) 0.001 tksatu
7. Thermal conductivity for dry soil W/(m K) 0.001 tkdry