Holy Tree on QuShui, Tibet - Photo by Yongjiu Dai

The Land-Atmosphere Interaction Research Group is led by Yongjiu Dai, Professor of the Sun Yat-sen University. The mission is to develop a scientific understanding of land-atmosphere interactions as part of the atmosphere system on the local, mesoscale, regional, and global scales, but also touches on related questions. These interactions include biophysical, biogeochemical, and biogeographic effects. Our approaches include land-surface processes modeling, global and regional atmospheric modeling, statistical methods, machine learning and their related in-situ measurement campaigns and satellite data retrievals. The Common Land Model (CoLM) and the Global and Regional Multi-scale Advanced Prediction Model System (GRAPES) and the Climate version of Weather Research and Forecasting Model are major tools used in the research. The group consists of graduate research assistants, postdoctoral fellows, research faculties, and visiting scientists, who are working on a wide variety of research questions. The group enjoys productive collaborative relationships with many scientists at centers or institutes under China Meteorological Administration (CMA) and Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), as well as international weather and climate modeling groups.

• Research Overview
• Research Projects
• Land Models
• Land Data
• Publications
• Research Facilities
• Education Vision
• Graduate Program
• Course Syllabi
• Readings
• Staff Members
• Postdoctoral Fellowships
• Graduate Students
• Cooperative Members